Dynamic Library Procedurals

and nodes can execute code loaded from a dynamically loaded library that defines a procedural. Executing the procedural is expected to result in a series of ɴsɪ API calls that contribute to the description of the scene. For example, a procedural could read a part of the scene stored in a different file format and translate it directly into ɴsɪ calls.

This section describes how to use the definitions from the nsi_procedural.h header to write such a library in C or C++. However, the process of compiling and linking it is specific to each operating system and out of the scope of this manual.

Entry Point

The renderer expects a dynamic library procedural to contain a NSIProceduralLoad() symbol, which is an entry point for the library’s main function:

struct NSIProcedural_t* NSIProceduralLoad(
    NSIContext_t ctx,
    NSIReport_t report,
    const char* nsi_library_path,
    const char* renderer_version);

It will be called only once per render and has the responsibility of initializing the library and returning a description of the functions implemented by the procedural. However, it is not meant to generate nsi calls.

It returns a pointer to an descriptor struct of type NSIProcedural_t (see below).

NSIProceduralLoad() receives the following arguments:

NSIProceduralLoad() optional arguments






The ɴsɪ context into which the procedural is being loaded.



A function that can be used to display informational, warning or error messages through the renderer.


const char*

The path to the ɴsɪ implementation that is loading the procedural. This allows the procedural to explicitly make its ɴsɪ API calls through the same implementation (for example, by using defined in nsi_dynamic.hpp). It’s usually not required if only one implementation of ɴsɪ is installed on the system.


const char*

A character string describing the current version of the renderer.

Procedural Description

definition of NSIProcedural_t
typedef void (*NSIProceduralUnload_t)(
    NSIContext_t ctx,
    NSIReport_t report,
    struct NSIProcedural_t* proc);

typedef void (*NSIProceduralExecute_t)(
    NSIContext_t ctx,
    NSIReport_t report,
    struct NSIProcedural_t* proc,
    int n_args,
    const struct NSIParam_t* args);

struct NSIProcedural_t
    unsigned nsi_version;
    NSIProceduralUnload_t unload;
    NSIProceduralExecute_t execute;

The structure returned by NSIProceduralLoad() contains information needed by the renderer to use the procedural.


The allocation of this structure is managed entirely from within the procedural and it will never be copied or modified by the renderer.


This means that it is possible for a procedural to extend the structure (by over-allocating memory or subclassing, for example) in order to store any extra information that it might need later.

The nsi_version member must be set to NSI_VERSION (defined in nsi.h), so the renderer is able to determine which version of ɴsɪ was used when compiling the procedural.

The function pointers types used in the definition are :

  • NSIProceduralUnload_t is a function that cleans-up after the last execution of the procedural. This is the dual of NSIProceduralLoad(). In addition to arguments ctx and report, also received by NSIProceduralLoad(), it receives the description of the procedural returned by NSIProceduralLoad().

  • NSIProceduralExecute_t is a function that contributes to the description of the scene by generating ɴsɪ API calls. Since NSIProceduralExecute_t might be called multiple times in the same render, it’s important that it uses the context ctx it receives as a argument to make its ɴsɪ calls, and not the context previously received by NSIProceduralLoad(). It also receives any extra arguments sent to , or any extra attributes set on a node. They are stored in the args array (of length n_args). NSIParam_t is described in .

Error Reporting

All functions of the procedural called by ɴsɪ receive a argument of type NSIReport_t. This is a pointer to a function which should be used by the procedural to report errors or display any informational message.

typedef void (*NSIReport_t)(
    NSIContext_t ctx, int level, const char* message);

It receives the current context, the error level (as described in ) and the message to be displayed. This information will be forwarded to any error handler attached to the current context, along with other regular renderer messages. Using this, instead of a custom error reporting mechanism, will benefit the user by ensuring that all messages are displayed in a consistent manner.

Preprocessor Macros

Some convenient C preprocessor macros are also defined in nsi_procedural.h :




declare functions of the specified name that match NSIProceduralUnload_t and NSIProceduralExecute_t, respectively.


declares a NSIProceduralLoad function.

NSI_PROCEDURAL_INIT(proc, unload_fct, execute_fct)

initializes a NSIProcedural_t (passed as proc) using the addresses of the procedural’s main functions. It also initializes proc.nsi_version.

So, a skeletal dynamic library procedural (that does nothing) could be implemented as in .

Please note, however, that the proc static variable in this example contains only constant values, which allows it to be allocated as a static variable. In a more complex implementation, it could have been over-allocated (or subclassed, in C++) to hold additional, variable data​1. In that case, it would have been better to allocate the descriptor dynamically – and release it in NSI_PROCEDURAL_UNLOAD – so the procedural could be loaded independently from multiple parallel renders, each using its own instance of the NSIProcedural_t descriptor.

 1#include "nsi_procedural.h"
13    static struct NSIProcedural_t proc;
14    NSI_PROCEDURAL_INIT(proc, min_unload, min_execute);
15    return &proc;



A good example of this is available in the 3Delight installation, in file gear.cpp.